
Anxiety Disorders: A Case Study

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Anxiety is very complex mental illness that affects millions of Americans. According to David Myers, “Anxiety Disorders are psychological disorders characterized by distressing, persistent anxiety or maladaptive behaviors that reduce anxiety,” (Myers, 2010). Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender youth are more likely to develop anxiety because of factors such as bullying. Anxiety effects these youth in different ways and many factors affect why these are anxious. LGBT youth suffer mental health disorders such as anxiety due to discrimination, isolation, and bullying. I would like to conduct a case study to see the relationship between bullying and discrimination of LGBT youth and anxiety. The relationship I want to study is the correlation …show more content…

The amygdala warns our bodies when danger is present and triggers fear and our fight or flight reactions, to remain at equilibrium. Graduate from The Canadian Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health, and Addiction, Bruno Dubuc claims that: “Researchers have also observed that a group of very anxious children had larger amygdalas, on average, than a group of normal children”(Dubuc 2002). In the case study I am going to conduct I would like to see if the amygdala of LGBT youth is larger than the amygdala of heterosexual youth and if bullying has to do with the anxiety that youth suffer …show more content…

Although this study would be applied in the same region and each study group would be asked the same non leading question, some factors would still affect the results of the data. Middle school in generally the time period where most youth struggle with their sexuality, it would be difficult to have a group of heterosexual students because many children are still trying to find out who they are. Additionally, the groups which I am conducting research on all attend public school, therefore the data I would collect after applying this case study might not be accurate for private or home school students. Furthermore, middle school students are minors and in order for me to interview them, I would need consent from their parent(s)/legal guardian(s). This could get in the way of my research because I would be selecting students who fit the criteria for my research and if their guardian(s) say no, then I would need to find another student to replace this one from the same school. This case study would be very interesting to conduct because I would get to observe and interview students that I have conducted research about. There have been many other studies on LGBT youth but I want to see if the information I gathered compares to the information others have gathered. The results of this study are determined by many

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