
Ap World Population Chapter 1 Summary

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• A man named Antoni van Leeuwenhoek dropped everything and ran with his wife to his worktable because he was viewing a sample through a glass that magnified everything to up to 100x. Nobody else had anything that powerful.
• He spent an enormous amount of time looking at spermatozoa, as they’re now called.
• The sample he was viewing was spermatozoa.
• There were very few censuses.
• A single codfish’s sperm cells were numbered at 150 billion. Leeuwenhoek concluded from his studies that there couldn’t have been more than 13.385 billion people on Earth.
• Historians say that when Leeuwenhoek was alive, there was only about 500,000,000 people on Earth.
• When another scientist had discovered human egg cells a century and a half later, the population on Earth had doubled to more than a billion. At about 1930, it was at 2,000,000,000. It has been building steadily ever since then. There are people who have seen the world population triple.
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• Now, scientists think the population may reach 9 billion in 2045.
• About a billion people go hungry each day.
• Thomas Malthus said that population would grow faster than the food supply until problems made it decline.
• But after he said population wouldn’t grow fast, that’s exactly what happened.
• Corn, potatoes, and chemical fertilizers helped get rid of starvation.
• A lot of people are underfed, but mass starvation is very rare.
• Population will surge as science will spare many lives.
• Today in developed countries, an average of 2.1 births per woman would maintain a steady population.
• In developed countries, 2.1 births/women would make the population steady.
• The population growth rate has fallen by more than 40 percent.
• The growth rate for population has dropped by greater than

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