
Application And Application Of Knowledge Management

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Knowledge management is the end-to-end continuous process that describes the systematic creation, acquisition, integration, distribution, application and archiving of knowledge to drive behavior and actions which support organizational objectives and mission accomplishment. Knowledge management captures both existing and newly created information and knowledge, stores it in an enterprise knowledge base through which information can be distributed, shared and accessed by the officers to support both learning when and where needed and the application of knowledge and skills to perform assigned tasks and solve problems. Officers need to be more creative and innovative to solve tomorrow 's problems. Therefore, access to a dynamic knowledge base will provide closer integration between training and operations. Air force knowledge management system will be revolutionary, leveraging existing efforts and rapid technological advancements. With the development of the AFNET, The EAF has a unique opportunity to leverage new technologies to advance the knowledge management concept. This can serve as a potential platform for the delivery of services supporting future learning systems and the distribution and application of knowledge. As the culture of learning is instituted in the organization, it would be easier to master the cognitive domain. The requirement is not only to train the way we fight but to fight the way we train using the same knowledge databases, networks and technologies.

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