
Applying The Free Online Visa Entitlement Verification Online ( Vevo )

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As a result of the shortage of registered and enrolled nurses in our facility it is much prudent to source for skilled health workers migrants to fill the gap. The migrants can lawfully work in Australia under an array of visas inclusive of the employer sponsored options also known as 457 visa. This means the skilled migrants to be employed are entitled to the similar basic workplace protections and rights equal to the Australian workers (Khoo, et al. 2007).
Working Legally In Australia
The organization is bound by the Migration Act 1968, which criminalizes employment of an illegal worker, or refer an illegal worker to a different organization. The organization must utilize the free online Visa Entitlement Verification Online (VEVO) to verify the visa entitlements and status of a possible employee. The organization can also contact the Department of Immigration and Border Protection’s for enquiries related to a visa holder 's work rights (Phillips & Stinks, 2012).
Basic Workplace Rights
The basic workplace rights and protections of all skilled migrants which ought to be met include: Complying with appropriate Australian standards which ensure workers have proper and legal work rights, award conditions including Australia’s National Employment Standards and workplace laws. Additionally, the organization must comply with the National Fair Work System, employers’ obligations to workers and National Employment Standards (Phillips & Stinks, 2012).
Basic Workplace

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