
Archetypes In Sir Gawain And The Green Knight

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Archetypes can be found in the most of literary work, especially in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight most characters or objects served to aid in the development of the hero by being either a situational, character, color, or a symbol archetype. The poem begins with a challenge being presented to the knights of the Round Table by the Green Knight. While seeing that no one else will accept the challenge, putting Camelot’s honor at stake, Gawain accepts and then realizes that in a year they must meet again and the Green Knight will return the blow that Gawain gave to him. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight dramatically demonstrates how a single character can play many archetypal roles.
In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight the Green Knight takes on the role of multiple archetypes throughout the poem these different archetypes helped aid in the development of Sir Gawain. In the beginning of the poem the Green Knight becomes the “Herald or announcer of the adventure” (Campbell 48), when the Green Knight comes to the knights of the Round Table to present his challenge. After Gawain accepts and begins his travels to the Green Knight’s Chapel he stumbles across a castle belonging to the Host. Gawain makes a deal with the Host to stay for three days, unbeknownst to Gawain that the Host was the Green Knight in disguise. The Green Knight’s many roles in this poem help to develop Gawain’s character, by being his mentor figure as the Host, the Green Knight

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