
Are Ufos Prove Of Extraterrestrial Life?

Decent Essays

Exploring the unknown Essay
Are UFOs prove of extraterrestrial life?
One of the most controversial topics is the one on unidentified flying objects (UFOs). Initially, the term UFO was used to define the identifiable anomalies that usually occur in the sky that does not conform to any presently known or familiar objects. People often relate UFOs to alien visitations, the existence of extraterrestrial life and government-related conspiracy theories. The United States Air Force developed this term in 1953. It was to replace the "flying saucer" name which was initially used to refer to such objects after 1947. Before this period, persons with a UFO experience could only describe it using specific terms related to the experience. (Westrum, 1977)
Researchers collect data on UFOs through viewing the images taken by the people who have sighted the UFO or had a UFO experience or recording their experience. It may also be available from the anecdotal evidence from the sample collected where possible. After scientists classify the object, they often investigate it further to identify it. Researchers conduct the identification of UFO later. However, the identification may not be possible given the low quality of evidence related to the UFO sightings.
One of the major reasons why humans fail to identify an object is due to lack of familiarity or clarity. As a result, most of the UFO observations tend to be misidentified conventional objects or natural phenomena. Examples

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