In college, we talk about sex a lot. We host Sex-Ed Bootcamp and Condom Bingo and we hand out condoms like they’re free candy. Glennon has free STD testing several times a year. No, we’re not afraid to talk about sex, but we are afraid to talk about pregnancy.
More importantly, we are afraid to talk about abortion.
Statistically, one in three women will have an abortion by the time she is 45. There are women in our dorms and in our classes who have had abortions. We probably have professors who have had abortions, so why are we so afraid to talk about it? What, exactly, are we so afraid of?
I know abortion is a touchy subject. I know it’s not an option every woman is willing to entertain, but the fact is that there are women who want
Many women are not able to make their own decision of whether an abortion is the right
Women have abortions for all kinds of reasons. Of course i have an opinion about most of those reasons. Some women choose abortion
Talking about abortion makes modest, well-mannered Americans squirm. Most everyone has a strong opinion about such a controversial topic, but it is not one anyone is quick to share. Bringing abortion up in everyday conversation would be something of a faux pas. There are truly so many misconceptions about having an abortion, and there is much ignorance surrounding it. Young girls are being blatantly lied to and told that if they have an abortion, they will never be able to conceive again. Not only is that information highly inaccurate, but it is detrimental to a young girl’s entire perspective on something she should be well-educated about: her own body. It cannot be stressed enough how important it is to educate young girls about their bodies, yet the exact opposite happens all the time because it is not considered ladylike for a girl to be properly taught about the subject. She is just told not to have sex when, realistically, that is not the answer. In order to be empowered, you must have knowledge. Without that knowledge, girls will be lost and insecure instead of empowered. Abortion is not something that should be such a controversial issue because, in the end, it is really only impacting the life of the woman receiving the procedure.
The Controversy surrounding abortion remains a hot topic of discussion. The question remains whether choosing abortion is murder. What is the rationale behind what leads a woman to terminate her pregnancy? What are the challenges and situations women face that make giving birth to a newborn such an impossible task? A pregnancy that takes place at the wrong place, and time can have a lifelong impact on a woman’s ability to raise her children, and support the family. It seems to be inconceivable that the only way out of an unplanned pregnancy and an impossible-to-negotiate future (Probe Ministries).
To begin with, there has always been a huge issue with the topic of abortion, why? Well, it’s a tough subject and can get extremely emotional and very defensive. Honestly, people just need to open up their eye’s and understand that it's murder and not just a choice. It is murder because two can create a blessing and the choice of aborting it, is more like a sacrifice for the reason a mother can’t carry a baby for nine months. Whether a person is a teen, young adult, or an adult and is in a horrible situation that believes they cannot proceed with the pregnancy, they should know there are other options. Teens aborting an unborn baby is not a choice and should be banned because it is wrong without parental consent, the rights of a child, and
Believe it or not, women were not always entitled to abortion. Until 1973, when it became legalized, women would terminate their pregnancies through dangerous methods. Some included back alley abortions or at home procedures. Unfortunately, most of these ended in complete disaster, leaving women injured or needing medical attention. Since abortion was an unsafe option overall, it seems that women would stop fighting for the cause, but despite the potential peril they continued their fight. The idea that abortion creates emotional scars and is a risk to women's health, is what troubles many young adults considering it.
One of the most controversy issues that have had many Americans debating over the years is abortion. But why so much controversy? Well to start with we have to understand what abortion is. According to the Oxford dictionary, abortion is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy. There are also 2 types of abortions. The first one is Therapeutic abortion, which the baby is aborted for the safety of the mother, and elective abortion, in which the abortion is performed due to a choice that the mother has made for an unborn child. In other words, abortion is the end or the expulsion of a fetus from the uterus by natural causes or by clinical methods before it is able to survive independently.
In people’s minds, abortion is one of many solutions to get rid of a baby that is not wanted or it’s not the right time to raise a baby; it is also one of the most controversial issues of our time. Abortion has it’s own effects on people and society mostly in a bad way. Church and other religious groups are against abortion, while others in our society are supporters. There are some options other than abortion to solve this issue, such as: adoption, teen parenting, and more. “How many more women will be exploited, injured or killed by abortion? More than 4,000 women choose to abort every day. That’s about 1.5 million abortions each year.” (
Even though the controversial conversation of abortion somewhat prohibits the open talk of there being other reasons that would make abortion essential and sometimes critical to the health of the mother. There are several reasons women are seeking and have sought abortions and were denied or otherwise restricted to laws and/or regulations. Rebecca Traister, senior editor of New Republic magazine, wrote in an editorial about her pregnancy and in her twenty fourth week (which in New York is the point of no return if you weren’t considering keeping the baby) she had thoughts of concern that if there were medical, fiscal or some other event that would cause more damage to not abort. This was a worry of hers, not only for herself but for other women who never had a chance, or choice, at all.
Abortion is one of the most controversial topics in the United States. It is a topic that not everyone can agree on. It is also a big topic of debate in elections. Abortion is the ending of pregnancy through the removal or forcing out from the womb of a fetus or embryo before it is able to survive on its own. Abortion has been around for thousands of years. According to Findlaw there were no laws regarding abortion until the 1800’s in the United States. Feminist argue that anti-abortion legislation was a backlash against the suffrage and birth control movements and a challenge to the midwives that provided most of healthcare to woman at that time. By 1880 all states had laws criminalizing abortion except to save the life of the mother. The
Abortion has always been a controversial topic in the United States for decades. Abortion is like taking the life of someone without their permission so it is technically “murder”. There is no such thing as an unwanted child, millions of families in the United States are always willing to adopt. On the other hand, there are circumstances where a woman can barely care and sustain herself so chances are that she will not be able to take care of her child. Or when a rape occurs, having an abortion is not as bad as when a woman has sex without protection and knows she has the chance to get pregnant.
A big factor of the reasoning why abortion is shamed is because ignorant males that don't have to carry the baby decided that their opinions were valid. It is not their body, so they should not make the decision for the woman. It is the woman’s choice whether or not she should proceed carrying the child or not. The men should just respect the woman’s choice whether they choose to keep it or abort it. Their opinions on abortion do not matter because they are not the ones who have to carry the child. Women should be the only ones who have a say because they are the ones who have to carry it and go through the side effects of pregnancy for nine months, unlike the men who just get things for the women. If men were to carry the child and go through
Abortion is a controversial subject for many Canadians despite the fact that it’s a procedure that has been effectively decriminalized in the country since 1969. There are approximately 100,000 abortions performed every year though that number has continued to dwindle every year for the past two decades. The research this proposal is looking to conduct is on the lack of abortion clinics available in the rural areas of Canada in particular as well as the constant risk of defunding of existing clinics throughout the country. In this proposal, we will not only set out to establish the history of abortion here in Canada but seek to provide enough reason in order to seek funding to pursue the collecting of data from medical institutions in all ten provinces. This paper will serve to set the argument of why abortion has been a controversial subject as well to make the argument that it is a right for every Canadian woman to have ready access to an abortion clinic – irrelevant of where she was born in the country.
Abortion is a highly sensitive and controversial subject within the United States that has been an issue of changing opinion for over 200 years. This right has already been resolved to be provided by the Constitution by the Supreme Court. A ban on abortion can possibly violate the separation of church and state, with the reason that those who wish to ban it, are often religious in nature. I strongly believe that the federal government should not ban abortion or have the option to decide what a woman can or cannot do with her own body.
Although many women around the world are unable to obtain legal abortions when they need them,