
Are You Born Bad By The Things You Do Or Happens To You?

Satisfactory Essays

'Are you born evil or are you turned bad by the things you do or happens to you?’ In this book evil is a mystery. No one is able to answer this question, lot of opinions are shared in Tulip Touch but all of them are different. In this essay we’re going to see how the theme of evil is presented in The Tulip Touch. Mrs. Barnes thinks that Tulip is different, she’s evil but Mr. Barnes thinks that evil doesn’t exist. Which side to choose? Tulip is definitely mean and arrogant, she lives with her parents. Her dad beats her up and Tulip’s mom hasn’t the strength to rebel against Tulip’s dad. Her parents are careless, that’s why Tulip does silly things and maybe could even say ‘Evil’ things… One way of interpreting it is to consider the way in

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