Today, I’m going to talk to you about 4 things. Those being; why animal testing is a problem andI Introduction
Animal testing has been occurring for centuries for reasons such as experiments, testing vaccines, testing cosmetics and much more.
A Attention Getter
“In laboratories across the United States, dogs are being run on treadmills until their hearts give out; rabbits are hallucinating on LSD; mice are convulsing in PCP withdrawal; pregnant ewes and cows are having their uteruses invaded with wires and electrodes; and monkeys are vomiting as they withdraw from heroin.” According to the article “Agression Studies on Animals” by Betsy Swart from 2015. These experiments are just a few of the unfair and cruel ways in which animals are being tested on today.
B Introduce Topic
Today, I’d like to talk to you about animal testing.
C. Thesis Statement
I believe animal testing should be illegal because it is unfair and cruel to the animals being tested on.
D Connect the audience to the topic
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(Statistic) And according to the article “About Animal Testing” from the Humane Society International from 2015 no author given, “the most common include mice, fish, rats, rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, farm animals, birds, cats, dogs, mini-pigs, and non-human primates.” Although some people feel that animals aren’t humans and therefore don’t deserve protection from things like this, many think just the opposite. (Antithesis). I’m sure many of you have had a pet or have been around animals at some point in your life. And I’d assume most of you have some opinion on animal
Throughout my paper, I felt as though I was able to give a solid and fair representation of the opposing viewpoint on issue of animal testing. However, it was challenging because I strongly oppose animal testing.
Religion is a big factor in the debate over animal testing. The anti animal testers believe that animals can suffer pain the same as humans, and so as humans we should have morals against making them suffer. And that all living creatures should get equal treatment in the eyes of God. (Animal Rights) Pro animal testers believe that animals are “things” as legal status and do not have the same rights as humans do. Vivisectionists often quote the Bible saying that humans have dominion of animals.
People have these animals as pets, imagine your dog, guinea pig, or rabbit being tortured by these terrible processes?” My classmates were in such shock and utter belief that all these other animals were included in animal testing. Some classmates just sat there and nodded their heads at this point. I still had the confidence that by the end of my speech, I'll have everyone against animal testing as
Animal testing should not continue when alternative methods could be implemented to reduce unnecessary harm to animals. This is because animals are
Animal testing should be stopped for that simple reason. Though many people think animal testing is for the better, as humans are not being hurt, it needs to come to a
The opinion of animals in the eyes of the law still compares them to objects: having them seen only as property and not living beings. A law towards better treatment has been passed, however, it has not been enforced. The implemented law is also full of loopholes that scientists have taken advantage over. Ever since that law, the Animal Welfare Act, was passed, even the definition of an animal has come into question. Additionally, a bias has been created in that there is more of a moral concern towards animals like dogs, cats, and primates rather than fish, mice, and rats, however, there are people advocating for the protection of animals not as popularly loved. Animal testing in the United States should be limited to having
Animal testing should be illegal because animal experiments are cruel and inhumane,
This paper addresses animal activists who strongly believe that animal testing is cruel and inhumane act. My audiences are already aware of the situation where tremendous amount of animals are harmed and some even killed from animal testing and experiments. Since they lean towards the side of arguments that disapproves animal testing, my purpose of writing this essay is to at least let my primary audiences to understand and accept the fundamental reasons for conducting animal testing.
All around the globe, animal testing has been the most controversial and frequently debated topic. Animal testing is cruel, however, it has helped us develop and become more advanced in sciences and technology. Below are the points and reasons for and against the motion, discussed to help you pick your side. Issues related to animal experimentation are frequently discussed these days, particularly in the media. It is often said that animals should not be used in testing because it is cruel and unnecessary. This essay will examine the arguments for and against animal testing.
The topic of animal testing is constantly being argued about. Many are for it because of the benefits it has brought while others are against it because animals are being harmed in the process. There are many tests happening every day, but did you know it is estimated to be more than 115 million animals world wide being tested on? (Humane Society International, 2012.) This topic is very important because many of the animals being used do not have any simlilarites to humans, thus making the products (medications, cosmetics, etc.) not very useful for people. Although some claim that testing on animals is the only way for scientists to test and see if the substances being made will harm people, but that is not the case. There are several alternatives
Animal testing is when researchers use animals to test out the effects of drugs and diseases. Sadly, this is something that ordinary people may not be aware of the awful things innocent animals endure behind closed doors in laboratories for scientist or researchers own personal gain. Animal testing has been practiced for centuries. It wasn’t until modern day century that others have realized how inhumane animal testing is and have protested against this act so much that it has caused the U.S. government to pass laws that prohibit and protect many animals from lab testing cruelty. Even when a law is made to protect them laboratory researchers still use mice as a benefit for their studies. A writer from an article that opposes animal testing has said that animals get anxiety when a laboratory researcher enters the room. It is also shown that they can develop other mental disorders as a result of the testing.
All across the united states animal testing is being discussed over. People are discussing the treatment of all different varieties of animal species. The controversy has erupted about how animals are being treated, how we should handle it, and what should be done about it.
Would you like to be locked up in a cage, with people doing experiments on you every single day. I bet your answer was no, and you know no one would, but animals don't have a choice. Animal testing has existed for a long time. It started in the 1780’s and ever since, It has not stopped, it just got worse. Animals should not be used for for scientific research, because there are now alternative methods for testing,also animals are poor test subjects, and it’s cruel and inhumane.
Animals are subjected to tests that are often painful or cause permanent damage or death, and they are never given the option of not participating in the experiment. There are over 100 million animals are burned, crippled, poisoned, and abused in US labs every year. (11 Facts About Animal Testing) Animals can feel pain and experience pleasure. They should have the same moral status and deserve equal treatment. (The Ethics of Animal Experimentation) Vivisection is one of the most painful procedures that animals go through. Vivisection is the cutting open of live animals for experimental purposes.(Last Chance for Animals) Billion of animals have been burned, crushed, sliced, electrocuted, poisoned with toxic chemicals, and psychologically tormented for scientific research. The problem is only getting worse. There has been over 820,812 animals used in harmful testing in
Have you ever owned a pet, do you remember how much you loved it? Now imagine this pet being injected with lethal chemicals. This happens every day in the world of animal testing. Most of the consumers are not aware of this cruelty when they use products or drugs which are tested on animals before coming into the market. Those of you unaware about animal testing, animal testing involves different types of animals to go through scientific tests, both physical and psychological which includes mental and physical torture on the body/soul of the animals being used. On the other hand, the counter argument is that using animals has contributed in many of the researches as some of the animals are very similar to the humans. These tests shortlist the proposed solutions or studies before being tested on humans. The human species have an advantage over the others as we are much more different than animals in terms of reasoning, language, shape etc. But this does not mean that the humans have the right to do as they wish, to other species which are present on the earth. According to me, it is unethical and cruel to use animals as subjects for testing the products which are for humans. The following paragraphs will debate the topic of animal testing by using different ethical theories and approaches.