
Argument Essay On Abortion

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In this day and age, choosing between what side you should support has become very difficult. Prochoice, meaning you believe it should be up to women if they keep or abort there baby and Prolife is when you think every individual, including those unborn, deserve a chance at life. The pro-life argument is not that abortion is wrong because it kills a baby, but rather, that abortion is morally wrong because it kills a human person who is not yet a baby -- a label we ordinarily assign to newborns, not preborns -- but still a fully human person (Beckwith).
Many believe that if you are blessed with a baby you should keep it, while others believe if you do not want that child, then terminating the pregnancy should be an option. Needless to say, everyone is entitled to their own opinion but many abortion clinics are being shut down because of the Prolife stance. The prolife stance entitles you to see the unborn baby as a human, which means he/she has all the rights of being a person, even unborn. Just because that unborn baby cannot talk to save his/her life, they are still entitled to having one. Discrimination used to be a big problem, and it still is, but some think getting an abortion is an act of discrimination. It’s much harder now to stereotype them as teenagers who don’t want to miss out on the prom or posh ladies who already have a vacation in Europe scheduled (Pollitt). An unborn human is just like any other human and it should not be categorized. Those are a few of

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