
Argumentative Essay On Aliens

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Ever since the 20th centuries there has been rumors about extraterrestrial life actually visiting earth and whether or not it's real.
During the 1600s John winthrop wrote in his diary that he and some others seen a light in the sky flying around. Another well known UFO sighting was in 1947, when Kenneth Arnold claimed to see one near mount Rainier. Looks like E.T.’s friends have been visiting us for a long time. In september 19th, 1961 a couple with the name of barney and Betty Hill were abducted by aliens, surprisingly they believed them. They first told a psychiatrist, which became a book, then a TV movie. Since then people still claim of being abducted and it all started in the late 20th century. Not only that we think there are extraterrestrial creatures visiting us, but there is different kind of extraterrestrial life out …show more content…

A few scientists who finds asteroids falling through the atmosphere claim that they saw some kind of living thing that is unknown. Sometimes when a asteroid hits earth what's inside it can be very surprising and people don't even know what kind of crazy life form can be kept inside. There are many theories about extraterrestrial life, like why we haven’t found a sign of extraterrestrial intelligence. What if they’re sleeping, what if we are the aliens, and what if it's not real? The Journal of the British Interplanetary Society says that the Aliens are sleeping while they wait, basically they're thinking that the aliens are hibernating and instead of them waiting for it to be warmer it's the opposite of that, they're waiting for it to get cooler. Just because the aliens are sleeping that doesn’t mean that we won’t be able to find signs of them. There are videos and photos of aliens, but that doesn’t mean it's real and that it's actual proof of extraterrestrial existence. This theory of them sleeping can be true, like they said they aren't exactly sure. Image a

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