
Argumentative Essay On Illegal Immigrants

Decent Essays

Franklin D. Roosevelt, an American president, has Dutch ancestry in his life. Anybody who comes to America are from different cultural backgrounds; every family arrives in the United States to make something of themselves. Families are getting ripped apart as they are being deported back to their homeland, and leaving the life they built behind. A great deal of diverse families who travel to the United States; are deprived of their American dream because of fear of deportation. Illegal immigrants should be granted amnesty because Immigrants are taking jobs many Americans do not want, they are taken advantage of for not having legal documents, and they are not secured by fundamental living rights.
Hundreds and millions of illegal immigrants are a big part of the workforce in America. Plumbers, Electricians, and Landscapers are a variety of professions illegal immigrants do in order to put food on the table. More than others are astounded by the amount of jobs that are open because no one is willing to work them. Jobs are not secured for many diverse immigrants, some are occupied by people who are more advantaged than others in regards of experience and street-smarts. Illegal Immigrants …show more content…

Immigrant workers comply with the policy rules of the workplace, but the workplace does not comply with paying the right salary. This shows that immigrants are taken advantage of by their employer. Not to mention, the fear of deportation, many jobs are ransacked by government officials at any time for hiring illegal immigrants. As a result of this, immigrants are forced to flee in search of a new workplace. Immigrants suffer financially through having unstable jobs and sending money back to their homeland. Considering this, large amounts of immigrants are being deprived of the correct salary and should be granted

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