
Argumentative Essay On Social Media

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Selfies have become a form of communication and culture. They provide us with a sense of validation and self expression. Often, this dictates how the world interacts with and categorizes those who put themselves on display. In much the same way that we learn interpersonal skills as we grow older, we have adapted ourselves socially along with the development of social media into our everyday lives. You would be hard pressed to find a college student in today’s America that is not involved in some form of social media. The average individual of this age has multiple accounts, each with their own unique message, addressed to the world at large. The dynamics of each social media outlet are complex and seemingly obscure, but they can have a significant impact on the lives of those who participate. Facebook, the social media that has taken the world by storm, has become a fairly dry place for most millennials. For the most part, you’re expected to keep it up to date with all of the big life events. Getting married? That should definitely go on facebook. Just went on the most perfect, beautiful vacation? Hurry! Why haven’t your over 2,000 friends heard about it yet? This undying stream of photos and life updates serves as a kind of social resume, proving to those you know that you are still a productive and envyable member of society. Not just anything can go on Facebook, however. Little things, like a picture of you and your best friend enjoying a night out should probably be

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