
Argumentative Essay On The Millennial Generation

Decent Essays

Across the nation, people are talking about the Millennial generation and how different they are compared to others, but are they really that different? Millennials are lazy, entitled, and selfish, or as you may have heard may be essential to the modern workplace, either way, they are being talked about whether it is good or bad. To put it in other words, past generations are concerned for what the future will look like with this technology-dependent generation, but is that a bad thing if the technology is only going to advance from here on out? The older generation is being too harsh or are they just genuinely concerned about the future? Joel Stein (2013) has written an article about the Millennials, it is titled Millennials: The Me Me Me Generation he argues for them being a selfish generation but by saying that it is not a bad thing. The second article is by Liz Zarka (2017) Generation Me: The Millennial Generation’s obsession with being unique, she argues that they are the generation that needs to be concerned for. After reading both of these articles I agree with some of the points that both of these authors make, however, there are also some sections that I disagree with. My perception of the situation is that millennials may have all these negative characteristics but use them to an advantage that no other generation can has; along with the advancement of technology and the use of social media may have increased the narcissistic trait in them, but they use these traits to get what they want, however, being narcissistic isn’t always good there can certainly be some disadvantages. Liz Zarka’s (2017) article starts off her argument with an example demonstrating that Millennials narcissistic, the example she uses is social media, how one will post about how great their mother is on Mother’s Day. She asks her readers why did they post this, is it because they are trying to convince the world their mother is the best or that their mother is going to see the post and appreciate it? In asking these questions she leads to the point of her argument, millennials are trying so hard to be unique, as she states in the title. In Zarka’s (2017) view, “It’s not difficult to observe the manifestation of our

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