
Argumentative Essay: Should Colleges Use Social Networking Sites?

Decent Essays

Imagine a man named James Smith. He was turned down from a college because they checked his social media website. He was accepted into another college, who didn’t check his social networking sites. He was arrested for assaulting another student and was found to be in a large, racist hate group. His name, job, and college was posted on the news. So this is why businesses and colleges should check social networking sites before hiring and or accepting applicants. Companies and colleges could use social networking sites to decrease liability. Some people argue that it’s an invasion of privacy and it’s they’re right to post and think what they think is right and still get into a good respectable college. This could cause danger on campus or in working corders to other students and or employees. It helps colleges and businesses find out if their applicants are doing anything that can ruin their reputation or are doing anything illegal. Director of admissions at Harvard college, Marilyn McGrath, said: “If students make it public it’s public information,” (Cartwright 1). Danger on campus is a huge problem, but businesses and colleges could ruin their reputation by hiring the wrong person. …show more content…

Opposition maintains that their private lives and professional lives are two separate things. Which is debatable but it could embarrass a company or college if they accept and or hire an applicant and they are posting themselves and or others doing illegal or embarrassing stuff online. This could tarnish the companies/ college’s reputation and image which could cause people to not want to go to the college or not work at that business. Businesses and colleges reputation could get ruined and have their plans to excel in their business in the future stolen by other companies or

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