
Argumentative Essay: The Federal Background Check System

Decent Essays

The Brady bill mandated federal background checks on firearm purchasers in the United States, and imposed a five-day waiting period on purchases, the Brady Bill requires that background checks be conducted on individuals before a firearm may be purchased from a federally licensed dealer or manufacturer or to a have it imported. Background check can be used to bypass the NICS make sure urn not a feline or drug lords to get gun the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) the Federal Firearms Licensee (FFL) initiates the background check by phone or computer. Most checks are determined within minutes These states either require gun sales to be processed through a Federal Firearms License (FFL) holder, or they require …show more content…

You think I'm going to trust the police with my life? They're flipping' useless! Sometimes they're even crooked. And what about my daughter? Should I let her walk around town without a loaded gun? She might get raped or murdered. Gun control advocates just aren't paranoid enough. First of all do guns kill people no people kill people and do you want some random dude/dinette to walk into your home and kill you know you want to have a fighting chance and without a gun you can’t so yeah we should have guns or a lot of innocent people would probably …show more content…

Is it wrong, I understand people have guns to protect themselves or shooting et.birds, animals? But we have people out there who just shoot innocent people for fun. And guns are so easily purchased for people now, so it would just make matter worst. you don't need guns to protect yourself, that's why we have police; guns just make matters worse because if you shoot a burglar for instance as they were on you property and you kill them how are you going to live with yourself. And we all know that there's a time for death so don't be afraid of it. If you’re religious if you die god or idols just need you. If you know how to run a gun and have self-daffiest of all do guns kill people no people kill people and do you want some random dude/dinette to walk into your home and kill you know you want to have a fighting chance and without a gun you can’t so yeah we should have guns or a lot of innocent people would probably

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