
Arguments Against Abortion Research Paper

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Abortion which is the practice of terminating a pregnancy has been around since ancient time. On January 22, 1973 it became a much discussed topic when the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision restricted access to abortion. Since this time laws and regulations have changed. Anywhere you go in the United States people have opinions on whether it should be legal or illegal. It is my opinion that abortions be illegal with some circumstantial situations being considered. In the United States 41 states require that abortions performed must be by a licensed physician. Many states have rules and regulations but is that enough? Abortion has many faces, some types of abortions are:
· Medical abortion procedure- taking a prescription …show more content…

I feel that it is a life that deserves a chance and by having an abortion the person is not giving the fetus a chance. One reason I feel against an abortions is that it can sometimes make situations worse. Emotionally a person may not be able to handle the guilt associated with this act. Another reason is that the fetus is an innocent life with the potential to be something great. What if the fetus that was killed was they person that would cure cancer? Abortions can also harm the physical state of women. Anytime a surgery is under gone a risk factor is there as well. The obvious reasons for not having an abortion are simply the humanitarian aspects of it. Who are we to play God? It is not up to us to choose who lives and who dies. The fetus has a heartbeat. I am not totally against the idea of abortion. I feel that in necessary situation it may be needed. I have an aunt that was pregnant for her second child and when she was 5 months along the doctors noticed that the baby with in her did not have any lungs. When the baby was to be born he would not have ability to breathe. The doctor of my aunt recommended she have an abortion. Their reasoning what that it would begin the healing process for her mentally and physically so she could try to get pregnant another time. In January of 2003 a week before my mother gave birth to my sister Hanna, my aunt had her abortion. She delivered a small baby barely big enough to hold in the palm of her hand. She named him

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