
Arguments Against Adnan

Satisfactory Essays

I am first going to talk about the evidence the state had against Adnan. They had Adnan’s timeline, they had cell phone records, they kind of had a motive. I am going to start with Adnan’s timeline of his day. Adnan got to school, carried on with a normal day, until around 10:45 a.m.. Adnan let Jay borrow his car because he needed to get his girlfriend a birthday present. Jay ended up having the car all day. So, according to Adnan’s story, he was with Jay during his lunch and free period. He would've left the school at approximately 10:45 a.m. and returned around 11:15 or 11:30 a.m.. His day continues on, late to his psychology class. At around 2:15 he went to the library to check his email, he was there until 3:30. Meaning he wouldn’t of been

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