
Why Is Adnan Syed Innocent

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If there was a murder case and you had to investigate it, would you be able to solve it ? let’s say I kinda did. Back in 1999 Adnan Syed was sentenced to serve life Time in jail for the murder of Hae Min Lee a 17 year old girl Living a typical American teenage life. I also believe Adnan Syed is innocent and here’s why. One of the reason why I believe Adnan Syed is innocent is because he sounds Like a good kid that would never even think about hurting anyone, I mean can you imagine a 17 year old killing Someone cause I don't. Adnan was “like the perfect guy” as some would say. “He was an honor roll student, volunteer EMT. He was on the football team. He was a star runner on the track team. He was the homecoming king. He led prayers at the …show more content…

So you’ve got bad feelings and you’ve got Jay changing his story. I look at this as, this is just a case that wasn’t ready to be brought. You don’t have enough to put Adnan away. Not to me, you don’t.”- Deirdre Enright (ep. 7), like I have said before the state just wanted to put this case away, they never really wanted to solve it maybe because Baltimore has many murders so it wasn't a big deal for them Anyways they should’ve never put Adnan in jail without having the evidence needed “So this is an email, in 2008, from the Baltimore Police, saying that he believes items from this case have been destroyed, but he doesn’t have a document saying that that is true. So he can’t be 100% sure” - Deirdre Enright (ep.7), you can't destroy evidence unless the case is over, this is another big part of why I think the state was doing something dirty and making Adnan look like the killer there’s also something they did not pay attention to the calls. The cell phone calls that didn't match as Jay Wilds tells the story some of the phone calls don't really match that also very suspicious and he seems to change the story

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