
Adnan Syed: The Eyes Of The Serial Killer

Decent Essays

The Eyes Of The Serial Killer

Serial, a story about investigator/reporter Sarah Koenig trying to find the truth about the curious case of Adnan Syed. Adnan Syed was a highschool student convicted of a murder he claims he did not commit. Hae Min Lee the victim of this peculiar murder case in which the suspect had only been chosen through given evidence. Whether or not Adnan is or is not the murderer, popular belief and undisputed evidence points to Adnan as the murderer. During Serial, Sarah Koenig spends eleven episodes trying to uncover the real culprit of the murder of Hae Min Lee, and figures out that there is no cut in stone evidence and that Adnan was most likely the killer. According to the court of law they believe Adnan is best suited …show more content…

During Adnan’s case and the serial podcast, there was a boatload of evidence that was used to prove Adnan’s involvement in Hae’s death. One of the anything piece of evidence was an anonymous neighborhood boy who was friends with a police officer’s daughter. The boy claimed to have seen a body and also hear someone call “Adnan”.”I just remember he had told my daughter he had seen uh a the body of a girl in the back of some-- in the trunk of some vehicle.”(6) says Dave. The whole premise of Adnan’s trial is that based on his actions he was chosen as the most likely to be a murderer. Despite the evidence that is for Adnan, the evidence obtained from the police is too significant for the proof of Adnan’s guilt. Furthermore Adnan’s fingerprints were found in vicinity to the location.” Apart from some fingerprints in Hae's car, which Adnan had been in many times,” (1) says Sarah. Although this physical piece of evidence was not the most significant to proving Adnan’s guilt, it was believed to be the final push to prove Adnan is best suited to be guilty. Although this may not be the largest piece of evidence it was treated as a vital component. This was a solid piece of evidence due to the reliability of forensic evidence. In the court of law, the single most important thing is proof and people’s opinion and belief. As long as whatever point is being made has proof and other people believe it then …show more content…

As previously stated Adnan is clearly making himself guilty by his actions post-trial but what was not mentioned are his actions pre-murder. One very important thing is that was used for Adnan was the fact that many people believed him for a good person.”He was like the community's golden child.”(1) says Rabia. All of Adnan’s buddies praise him aside from Jay, they all talk about how they thought he was a good person and that he would never do any of this stuff yet the evidence is against him. According to his friends he is a good person and that they never would have taken him as a killer yet there is evidence of him doing drugs and passing murderous notes. The biggest issue is that Adnan is playing the good guy even though he is known to bad things and people are enforcing a fake fact. “His family didn't know that he actually drank, he smoked, he was having sex.”(1) says Saad. He’s stolen money, he does drugs, goes to clubs, and yet people take him for some sort of charity worker. The biggest evidence of a liar is when he has other people lie for him. Once he was called by the police and acted very nervously which is strange in a way. Sure it is okay to be curious, but if Adnan were innocent he would not have acted nervous if he had a clear conscience. Even if they were not calling about a murder it proves that Adnan has even more secrets to be hidden. During the Serial podcast Sarah Koenig frequently

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