
Arguments Against GMO Research

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Genetically Modified Organisms or GMO’s, refer to the plants or animals created through the gene splicing techniques of biotechnology. To clarify, the organisms are altered in their DNA to create an outcome. An unexpected example of this would be a watermelon which should be an all natural, healthy, plant. All Watermelon no matter the colour or size contain seeds. They are in most fruits yet, in grocery stores, you will find advertising for seedless watermelon. This is a GMO. It was altered as a seed so that when the seed became a plant and the plant bore fruit, the watermelon would be seedless. This is the topic that I chose to research about. The reason behind my curiosity in this topic is the controversy surrounding it and the strong opposing …show more content…

The popular media sources that I will be using is: What You Need To Know About Genetically Modified Organisms by Justine Alford, 10 Reasons to Avoid GMOs by Jeremy Smith, Five Good Reasons to Support GMOs by Battelle Staff, Understanding GMO by David Suzuki and finally, The Good, Bad and Ugly about GMOs by Natural Revolution. The Scholarly sources that I will use are: GMO Food by David E. Newton, The Good, Bad and Ugly about GMOs by Susan K. Harlander, Mendel in the Kitchen: Scientist's View of Genetically Modified Food by Fedoroff, Nina, Brown, Nancy Marie; Perceived and Potential …show more content…

I will incorporate both scholarly and popular media articles to back it up. The world's leading producers of “Genetically Modified” crops are the United States, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, India and China. In 2006, GM crop production also reached noteworthy levels in Paraguay, South Africa, Uruguay and Australia. Seeing this its obvious that a large portion of the world uses GMO’s. There must be a reason, and a purpose behind a way of life that most countries can agree on and actively use to feed their general population. According to the article written by Justine Alford called “What you need to know about Genetically Modified Organisms”, she poses the questions “Why do we need GMOs?”. To summarize, she is saying that it is a population issue. The population is a worldwide issue in the way that the world is over populated. There isn’t enough food to feed everyone. Simply put, we can’t afford to lose crops due to crop diseases and unexpected weather disasters and climate change conditions. GMOs, she says; are the answer to this problem. GMO crops can fit the climate of the different geographies and conditions of every conditions as they can be genetically altered to fit the conditions. Aside from the benefit of saving dying crops, they can also help with a deficiency of some sort in a select country. Justine says that 250 million in the children of the world have a deficiency of certain key vitamins that the body

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