
Armadillidium Vulgares Lab Report

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The results from the experiment was unexpected and they supported one of the hypothesis formed since they failed to reject them, but it rejected the hypothesis that Armadillidium vulgares will prefer glucose water since it is found in its environment. Both of the experiments rejected the null hypothesis since the Armadillidium vulgares showed a preference for wet over dry habitat and glucose water over RO water for their habitat according to the chi-square and P value calculated. The preference they had for RO water over glucose was unexpected since glucose is found in detritus (Moriarty, D.J.W., and Pullin, R.S.V. 1987). It was thought that they would select the glucose habitat since it is closer to their natural one; however, it might be due to the fact that the glucose in the environment usually undergoes fermentation and becomes ethanol--and perhaps its chemical ethanol that causes Armadillidium vulgares to inhibit in detritus …show more content…

Since the liquid will expand the size of the sponge, then the surface area of the sponges were not able to be kept as a control since the increase of surface area of the sponge can increase the likelihood of it being chosen. The measurements of the sponges were also taken right after the liquids were added; thus the liquid was not actually fully absorbed by the sponge yet making the measurements not accurate and as the trails went by the sponges expanded more than the recorded measurements causing a change in surface area. The same Armadillidium vulgares were used for the trials, which can cause them to be overexposed or less active as the trials went by, making their activeness not a control in the experiment. To improve the design, the measurements of the sponges after the liquid is added should be measured after a few minutes to ensure that the sponge has fully absorbed all the liquid and that it has reached its maximum

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