
Arnie Plagiarism

Satisfactory Essays

Hi Everyone,

Regarding the College Paper Case Study, I have to say that Reggie and Arnie share almost the same amount of responsibility, they were both committing plagiarisms. Furthermore, I think that Arnie was more guilty because he was ought not just to warn Reggie about the consequences, but also he was responsible for reporting Reggie's behavior as stated in the UoPeople Course Catalog (2017), "Students encountering suspected cases of cheating should discreetly report the violator to their Course Instructor" (p. 139).

What do I think about plagiarism? well, it is definitely a problem which is present in many aspects of our life these days. For example, in my field of work, I have seen programmers delivered solutions that they don't even understand or are capable of improving, simply because what they did was just to copy and paste their code from a forum. You may argue that it is code, and it could look really similar one to another, but the truth is that code means ideas, and those could also be plagiarised. Sadly this is a problem which is not getting any better, especially nowadays where people are able to copy images, music, and videos from any source through the internet basically without any effort. …show more content…

What I would do or recommend to avoid it, is this:

- Always take notes of the source of every material you use for your papers in case you need to cite and reference any of them.
- Use tools like an online plagiarism checker, because you may write something you read a long time ago and that also needs to be cited and referenced.
- If you are not sure you are plagiarising, better cite and reference the material to be sure.

University of the People. (2017). College Paper Case Study. Retrieved from

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