This was a straight forward case of cheating. The main character Reggie failed to ask for help with the assignment, perhaps if he he'd asked for help sooner, or described his dilemma, he would have gotten help before it was too late to complete the work. Reggie also deliberately asked Sally if she had read the book, implying that she could help him cheat. He then printed the assignment off the net and told Arnie what he did, thus implementing Arnie in the cheating by making him an accessory. For this reason I gave Reggie the #1 slot of most to blame. Next we have Arnie, the other student in the class, who did nothing except follow in the footsteps of academic betrayal. Arnie takes the #2 position for not asking for help with the assignment,
Matthew N. Fraser, a student at Bethel High School delivers a speech to the school about nominating another student for the student elective office. Matthew had broken the rules at his school. The speech he gave was not appropriate for students to be hearing and was told by teacher that he should not give the speech but he did anyway.
‘Somebody got to take the blame. I got no kids. They’ll jus’ put me in jail, an’ I ain’t doin’ nothin’ but set aroun’.’” (Steinbeck 265-266) Casy reveals the intentions of taking full responsibility for Tom’s disruptive actions.
“What’s everybody waiting ‘round for?” “And where’s Stacey?” demanded Little Man. Little WIllie smiled. “Stacey inside with Miz Logan. He got whipped today.” “Whipped!” I cried. “Why, can’t nobody whip Stacey. Who done it?” “Your Mama,” laughed Little WIllie. “Mama!” Christopher-John, Little Man, and I exclaimed. “Why’d Mama do that?” asked Christopher-John. “She caught him with cheat notes during the history examination.” So, as the book said Stacey took the blame for a big deal, Stacey didn’t care if he got in trouble. Stacey was just wanting to make sure T.J. didn’t get in trouble. Stacey took and showed a big sign of courage in Chapter
The highest or worst degree of culpability is to act purposely. According to Kaplan, it is a person’s “conscious object to engage in conduct of that nature” (206). To act purposely is to act intentionally, for one to do the thing that one
Based on the low test scores principal Clark embarks on a motivational campaign for the students, as he tries to not only motivate the students to learn, but essentially becomes a father figure to many of the students and a great example of behavioral conduct. Tensions in the school still rose as one of the expelled students, came into the school and caused a fight with the students. Enraged, Clark threw him out and barred the doors with chains to keep the
They were to ignore him when acted out or became disruptive and praise him when he behaved in an acceptable manner. In a sense, this made every one of the kids in his class one of Sean’s teachers. They were forced to accept that Sean could get away with doing things that would have landed them in the principal’s office. Kathy would have to spend significant amounts of extra time working with Sean when teaching him how to do something the other children had learned in five minutes two weeks ago. The academic gap between Sean and the rest of his classmates continued to widen as the school year continued.
B- The antagonists of the book Hit Count by Chris Lynch is Arlo's mom. She is the Antagonist because she always trying to oppose Arlo´s dream
Alex views himself as a highly educated, important person. He often thinks that people are below him on their understanding of economics. Because of how Alexis views himself he is over judgmental on Ellen’s paper and gives her a low grade. He also criticizes her about being disruptive, late and an all-around bad student. Ellen is a dancer/artist who sees herself as smart and artsy. She also sees herself as a challenger. Because of her low grade and feeling like Alex’s was being overly hard on her to demonstrate that he is treating her fairly, she acts out in the classroom and try’s to lower his credibility. Demonstrating that if he thinks she is disruptive, she truly could be.
Josie, a woman who was close to the teacher, died after he left → people worked themselves to death, and put themselves in danger → evil Progress replaced the schoolhouse
"Ok class For an upcoming assignment, you will all be doing a project on past tributes." The teacher says," You will pick one tribute to write about. Maybe write about a character that you've missed. There are many a tribute that I myself have missed".
For every teacher their selected honor student was called up to shoot a cake at them. With a trash bag and goggles, the teachers stood in place as their honor student got ready to shoot. Mrs. Kendall was the first to be shot at by her honor student, Savannah Burke. It was a good shot, but didn't hit Mrs. Kendall. Next was Mr. Mercier, whose honor student is Sarah Cloutier. There was still no hits when Mr. Magaw’s turn came up. Unfortunately Mr. Magaw’s honor student, Micah Okusko, wasn't present at the meeting, so Mrs. Poulin stepped in. The last honor student to be called up was Colby Gary, who was picked by Mr. Dalton. Mr. Dalton got cocky, making faces at Colby all the while thinking that Colby would miss him just like all the other teachers.
Activity Two: Students pretend to be the main character, Moose, from Al Capone Does My Shirts. Within the story, Moose writes a letter to Al Capone asking to help get his sister, Natalie, into the Esther P. Marinoff School, and she eventually does, with the suspected help of Mr. Capone. Students must write a letter back to Al Capone, as the character of Moose, thanking him for his part in getting Natalie into the school.
The first student I will talk about is the first one to be seen in the movie. This is Claire Standish. Claire is one of the popular girls in the school.
Francious made some mistakes, he let his temper get the best of him. He specifically singled out Louise and Esmeralda, the student representative, along with Khoumba, a student who’s attitude completely changed from the previous school year. After Francious demanded respect from Khoumba, she decided to write him a letter and leave it in his mailbox. Her letter stated that for him to ask for respect he first must have to show respect. She also told him that she would sit in the back and not speak anymore. Francious’ biggest mistake was calling the two representatives “skanks” the next day in class after they were laughing and walking in and out of the teacher’s meeting that they were supposed to be sitting in and representing the students.
One student had come and fallen in love with him. Her plunge down the gorge when he did not reciprocate was hushed up. The second had not proven worthy. Her lack of imagination was said to have her transferred to Yale where she was now studying. In two years he was already on this third student.