
Arts And Early Childhood Development

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1. How do The Arts support early childhood development?
Arts are always related to the easiest and less important part of the children learning areas, just because It won’t help to develop any important skill for the near future. But more than a beautiful picture, full of details and colorful, children are acquiring better benefits developmentally talking. Children like exploring, discovering and also have a natural curiosity that make them figure out how the world works and also obtain new knowledge of their immediate environment. (Michigan State University, 2015) Regards to this, Arts provide the flexibility and freedom to create and manipulate different materials, in a natural approach that allows experimentation which is not only enjoyable …show more content…

By this stage their fine motor skill has improved and their more confident to develop art any time (Tomlin, 2008). For example, Ivette on this picture try to represent a “garden” where insects can live. For her, It was important to represent the weather during spring “sunny and warm” and the green beautiness that spring brought.


Michigan State University. (2015, January 22). The art of creating: Why art is important for early childhood development. Lansing, Michigan, United States of America.
Mills, H. (2014). The importance of creative arts in early childhood classrooms. Texas Child Care Quarterly, 3.
Rankin, W. F. (2004). Open-Ended Materials. Promoting Creativity For Life Using, 8.
Reyner, A. (n.d.). Art Influences Learning. Retrieved June 5, 2016, from Early Childhood News:
The Art Therapy Library. (2008, May 11). Art Therapy Library. Retrieved May 5, 2016, from
Tomlin, C. (2008). Excelligence Learning Corporation. Retrieved May 5, 2016, from Early Childhood News wed site:

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