
Ascorbic Iodine Experiment

Decent Essays

Two beakers were labeled ascorbic acid (C6H8O6) and iodine (I2). About 75.0 mL of standard ascorbic acid solution was measured in a graduated cylinder. It was then placed in the beaker labeled ascorbic solution. About 100.0 mL of iodine solution was measured using a graduated cylinder. The measured solution was then placed in the beaker labeled iodine. From the iodine previously gathered, about 55.0 mL was measured and placed into the burette. All of the solution did not fit into the burette. The burette was filled until the iodine solution was at the 0.0 mL mark. A table chart was created to record all the data collected during the experiment. The first data table was labeled standardized data. Only one column was needed. It was labeled run one. The rows on the table were labeled final burette volume, initial burette volume, mL of iodine solution, mg of ascorbic acid in solution, and mg ascorbic acid in solution over mL of iodine solution. This data chart was used throughout the experiment. After the table was created, the initial burette volume was recorded as 0.21 mL. A 125 mL flask was then filled with 25.0 mL of the ascorbic acid solution from the beaker labeled ascorbic acid. 10 drops of 1% starch indicator was added to the ascorbic acid inside the flask. The two solutions were then mixed together by swirling the flask. The solution within the flask was a clear liquid. The flask was placed under the burette containing the iodine solution. Small amounts of the

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