
Asian Ball-Jointed-Doll Creation Project

Decent Essays

The stone gray walls resembled the earth clay I had just recently toyed with. Silence covered the cavern-like room while my thoughts modeled the chaos of swarming bees. I stood there motionless in the heart of my basement, on the brink of devastation. I mocked myself by asking, “Where could an eleven-year-old buy industrial epoxy resin?” That was the next concern I had to address because in order to create an Asian ball jointed-doll one would need a clay base, silicone molds, and that oh-so notorious epoxy resin.

At the age of eleven, when I should have been crafting friendship bracelets and experimenting with makeup, I troubled my parents and impressed my friends by taking on a colossal doll creation project. No longer interested in the plastic that lined the shelves: Bratz, Barbies, and Polly Pockets I wanted to own the exquisite Ball-Jointed doll, a rare doll with complete mobility and life-like features. As a storyteller only interested using realistic elements, I knew my friends and I had to have these dolls one way or another. With the sticker price being $800, I had no other choice but to create my own. …show more content…

1 O’clock on a Saturday night and I had done something no twelve-year old had ever accomplished. I had created a masterpiece of a doll, polished enough to sell next to the Barbies on the

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