
Asking The Question Of “Why” Is Often A Common Question.

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Asking the question of “why” is often a common question. You may ask your child “why” their grades are dropping. You may ask your spouse “why” when he/she appears to be distant You may ask you friend “why” he/she stays in an abusive relationship. Sometimes, we will never know the reason to “why”, but we may be able to help understand and describe the change. To do this we will utilize the rich history of theoretical perspectives and empirical evidence. Practice theories assist professionals understand the cause underlying a presenting problem (Langer & Lietz, 2015). Theory is often described as a set of ideas, assumptions or a framework used to explain phenomena (Hicks, 2016). Social work theories are general explanations that are …show more content…

Practice models offer the greatest degree of direction and are the easiest to evaluate and practice (Langer & Lietz, 2015). While it is the easiest to evaluate it tends to be limited to certain populations and is not applicable across all practice settings. An example of this would be, solution-focused brief therapy and motivational interviewing. (Langer & Lietz, 2015)
Application of theories to micro practice
System theory focuses on how the person interacts with their environment and how the family systems affect the individual across the lifespan (Langer & Lietz, 2015). This theory also emphasizes the relationships among individuals, groups, organizations, or communities and mutually influencing factors in the environment. This is useful in practice as it can develop a holistic view of persons-in-environment and can be useful to understand the family system (Wirth, 2009).
While completing field work with Child Protection Service (CPS) I often needed to understand the home environment and the environment of the child. Not just who was mom and dad, but who was a part of this child’s circle. Was there an after-school program, babysitter, sport team, church? Was there a family friend that was always in the home, a roommate? Was the child being bullied, talking to a counselor? Did the child talk to a specific teacher or neighbor? Who were this child’s friends and siblings? Understanding these systems and how they interacted with my client and their family was

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