
Assertiveness Training

Decent Essays

Another risk factor consists of ethical dilemmas that may arise when a counselor seek to include assertive training during clients intervention. Instead of assimilating the western culture of assertiveness, counselors, must consider client's cultural perspective of assertiveness (Organista, 1995, p. 60). Many clients are reluctant toward the use of assertive training, especially outside of counseling sessions. For example, “Organista suggests that assertiveness training with Latinos has to take into account the tendency of Latinos to hold in and avoid expressing emotions, such as anger, to family members” (González-Prendes, Hindo, & Pardo, 2011, p. 388). Family factor limits Latinos dealing with depression since they lack the time for self-care. …show more content…

In addition to assertiveness training, another risk factor consists of Latinos dealing with stigma. For example, Latinos with depression may not seek mental health treatments such as CBT because the fear of stigma. According to Heilemann, Pieters, Kehoe, and Yang (2011) second generation Latinos fear family disapproval for seeking treatment from mental health services, which leads to not showing up to counseling sessions (p. 474). Additionally, Kanter et al. (2008) states that “Latinos might feel reluctant to seek mental health services because of the stigma that these services are only for people who are crazy” (p. 501). Societal stigma about seeking mental health services is the main concern for Latinos. Many Latinos underutilize mental health services out of fear that others will begin to label them in various ways. According to Gonzalez, Kaltman, Mendoza and Serrano (2014) Latinas believe that mental health services are only sought by people that are in severe mental states, while others would be inappropriately labeled (p. 87). Counselors need to be aware of client's expectations and thoughts about counseling in order to break down fears of

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