
Assess Kamil 's Writing Skills Essay

Good Essays

In order to assess Kamil’s writing skills, I collected and analyzed a few writing pieces of various types of writing. Kamil’s style of writing and the tone differ depending on the type of composition, which means that he is aware of the purpose and the potential audience when he writes. The graphic aspect of writing indicates that Kamil has knowledge about forming the 26 letters of the English alphabet. His writing is also legible and clear most of the time. Some pieces of Kamil’s writing, such as “Feature Article”, “Oil Spilling”, “Minecraft”, and “How I came to America” include a thoughtful and interesting introduction as well as an effective and creative conclusion. In these compositions, Kamil groups and organizes facts logically, he links the ideas together, using transition words, e.g. “After ten hours of doing stuff we finally got to America! Thereafter we went througth the securite machines…” Also, a variety of sentences is applied in these pieces. On the other hand, a persuasive letter and an opinion piece, “What would you rather do: find your way through a corn maze or tour a haunted house?” include a few confusing sentences and thoughts. The introduction and closing are not precise, as they do not clearly state Kamil’s personal opinion. For example, in a persuasive letter to the principal of his school, Kamil states a few good reasons why his school should not have air conditioning, he supports his arguments with some pieces of evidence, and then, in closing

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