I selected the Pearson Video #3 which is a one on one counseling session between an older Caucasian male counselor, and an African American adolescent male, Greg discussing getting a “B’ in Algebra and doing homework. I at once noticed the counselor using Solution focused therapy with the miracle question and I knew that was the video I wanted to write about. The adolescent’s mother would like the boy to raise his grade from a “C’ in Algebra The first skill I noticed the counselor using is clarification. He asks Greg “How much work is he going to do for the final?” Greg replies, “At least seventy-five percent”. The counselor confirms by clarifying if seventy-five percent is a C? Per Gladding (2016) clarifying is described as understanding the clients statement and concentrating on what the client is saying. In the video, the mother wants Greg to raise his grade from a C to a B, so by clarifying that Greg was only going to focus on seventy-five percent of the information, it reminded him that seventy-five is still a C and not a B. …show more content…
Greg stated all he need to do is to make a good grade on the final to get a B. The counselor then uses a baseball analogy to compare it to Algebra, suggesting that the teacher might throw a curve ball on that final. Per Gladding (2016) confronting is an act of challenge for the client to understand the error between their words and actions. In the video, the counselor made a point to question the Greg’s plan of only putting forth seventy-five percent of work. The counselor asks if thirty minutes spent on homework would get Greg a B? Greg stated that it would. This opens Greg’s eyes that thirty minutes would be better than the twenty minutes he has been spending doing the homework. Per Strong & Zeman (2010) confronting are like invitations to the clients to look at an issue from a different
11. Describe at least three exchange rate factors that are likely to attract foreign investors to a country 's currency. Explain why these factors are attractive for foreign investors. (3-6 sentences. 3.0 points)
I believe that Excel can enhance the younger generations math learning skills. I think that as long as the basic math skills of calculating numbers are learned and mastered first, then Excel can be of a great benefit in the development of the critical thinking skills that are necessary to implement all of the different formulas. I believe that this kind of critical thinking that is required to realize how to formulate the data is a very important skill to develop. I do think that the younger generations and everyone else's calculating skills become a "little rusty" because of continually relying on Excel to do all of the calculating instead of doing the math out longhand, but this can occur even through the use of calculators. I think Excel
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Rossi Inc. is a diversified manufacturer of industrial products. In 2008, Rossi updated its asbestos litigation liability, including the costs of settlement payments and defense costs relating to currently pending claims and future claims projected to be filed against the Company through 2017 for losses incurred to date. Before 2008, the Company’s previous estimate was for claims projected to be filed through 2011. As part of the 2008 update to the asbestos litigation liability, Rossi engaged Thompson and Associates, a consulting firm, to serve as an external specialist to estimate the claims liability for December 31, 2008. As a result of the 2008 update and the external specialist claims estimate, the Company significantly
What services do you offer? Will I have a formal written agreement or contract with you? What if I can 't afford to pay your fees or make contributions? In addition to helping me solve my immediate problem, will you help me develop a plan for avoiding problems in the future?
For the corporation that has acquired another company, merged with another company, or been acquired by another company, evaluate the strategy that led to the merger or acquisition to determine whether or not this merger or acquisition was a wise choice. Justify your opinion.
16. What family of instruments were the most important? The string family was the most important instrumental family in a Baroque orchestra.
3. Discuss the political events and sociological factors that made the Classical Period such a time of violent upheaval. (1 point)
"What is necessary to change a person is to change his awareness of himself. --
“Of all forms of mental activity, the most difficult to induce even in the minds of the young, who may be presumed not to have lost their flexibility, is the art of handling the same bundle of data as before, but placing them in a new system of relations with one another by giving them a different framework, all of which virtually means putting on a different kind of thinking-cap for the moment. It is easy to teach anybody a new fact…but it needs light from heaven above to enable a teacher to break the old framework in which the student is accustomed to seeing.”
3. What type of bank risk would worry you the most as an account holder? How should the bank protect itself against that risk? (2-4 sentences. 1.0 points)
Through my work in counseling, I will aspire to be respectful of and sensitive to my client’s developmental needs and therapeutic goals. It is imperative for counselors to recognize that the counseling process can be intimidating for many clients. I will draw from a variety of
Unit 2 Assignment 1: Executive Summary on Veteran’s Affairs (VA) and Loss of Private Information
Looking back from when I began my career, I can say I came a long way learning the concepts of understanding the expectations that arose from all my positions. In my first job just after graduating, I was appointed as a Business Accountant of a multinational company. Since then, I was caught in the myth that people who were in leadership positions or high ranking were leaders. Being in a junior position, I could have the least effect on any new ideas as my voice seems to have landed in deaf ears. I have seen how those businesses were not in line with their Missions and Values only to find later that many of the staff had left the company.
Learning to me is allowing your brain to receive information and then applying in to your life experiences. I feel like face to face learning is better, however, online is more convenient. I prefer face to face because it offers a more personal relationship with your classmates and your professor. Although it is not practical for my life, I do wish I could attend classes in a regular environment. Online provides me that much needed space and opportunity to move at my own pace. Now that I have taken this class, I know that while I am receiving information I will be more aware of the information being delivered because I will now be more intentional with receiving the information.