
Did Pugin's Revival Of The Gothic Use Tradition As A Form Of Dissent

Good Essays

Leigh Hamilton
AA100 TMA 4
In what ways did Pugin’s revival of the Gothic use tradition as a form of dissent?

Essay Plan
Introduction – What is dissent? Introduce Pugin
Paragraphs 1 & 2 – Pugin’s aims and inspiration
Paragraph 3 – Attack on the era of Reformations and Protestantism. Plate 4.7 “decay of taste”. Difference in Church styles.
Paragraph 4 – Treatment of the poor. Plate 2.4.11
Paragraph 5 – “Christian” architecture – pointing upwards.
Paragraphs 6 & 7 – Emphasis on Britain’s’ greatness – not requiring ideas from other countries. Big Ben
Paragraph 8 - Conclusion

Leigh Hamilton
AA100 TMA 4
In what ways did Pugin’s revival of the Gothic use tradition as a form of dissent?

To answer this question, we must first ask …show more content…

While the Contrasts focused and differences and similarities between the two historical periods, Pugin’s next book True Principles focused on the Gothic as being a true Christian architecture (Richardson, McKellar, Woods, 2008, p.128).
Pugin advocated for “pointed” or “Christian” architecture (as Pugin called then what is now referred to as Gothic style; Richardson, McKellar, Woods, 2008, p. 113) aimed to reach up to heaven, symbolising Jesus’ resurrection. Pugin stressed an

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