
Assignment: Living Life as a Left-Hander for a Day

Decent Essays

Assignment Let's be lefties for a day! Living life as a left-hander for a day required me to slow my life down. I needed to write very deliberately when I used a pen and paper. I had to allow extra time for tasks such as making my breakfast or opening up a car door. I was prepared for these annoyances and allotted extra time for these activities. But some tasks I was not prepared for using my non-dominant hand to turn the pages of a book, for example, slowed down my reading. And while I knew that writing would be a challenge, I did not realize how uncomfortable using a class 'writing desk' as a lefty would be, when there were no left-handed desks available in a lecture hall. Proceeding through the world as a lefty required me to be constantly observing my smallest gestures, like cutting a bagel, to make sure I was doing them correctly. It meant living in a state of hyper-consciousness and self-awareness. Even tasks that were fairly rote, such as opening a door, were difficult because I was so used to performing them with my right hand. Opening a door is not considered a 'left-hand' task because there are not left-handed and right-handed doors. But because I was not accustomed to using my left hand, it felt unnatural. During my day, people stopped and asked me about the purpose of my 'experiment.' Some of these individuals were left-handed, and shared their experiences of being 'different' in a right-handed world. They noted, however, that I was experiencing far more

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