
Assignment Of Eth 301 Business Ethics

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Trident University Joan Lampley Module 2 SLP Assignment ETH 301: Business Ethics Professor Shah 9 July, 2017 When pressed for time, in many cases, we tend to press the boundaries as well. This is where ethical decision making may become difficult. Under a strict timeline to get a task completed, sometimes the finished product is more important than the safety of workers. As I read the scenario, it is obviously a difficult decision to make; one choice will have the problem fixed in thirty minutes, while the other choice would take closer to seven hours. This attitude of pushing the limits effectively clouds our own moral limits and, as a result, increases the chances that we eventually will cross the boundaries (De Cremer, 2013, p.65). In this scenario, allowing the crew into the trench without a trench box would be exceeding the limits. The municipality’s safety rules state that employees should not go into a trench without a trench box if the trench exceeds five feet in depth. With the trench being seven feet deep, it is clear what should happen in regards to finishing the task. However, being pressed for time plays a huge role in this scenario being that the city is without sewage. As the workers asses the trench and note that the walls of the trench are solid and shouldn’t be cause for concern makes the option to go ahead and complete the task seem less like exceeding the boundaries. Grey areas can be a dangerous yet wonderful game, being able to push boundaries is nice as long as everything goes well. Put differently, as long as we can justify our actions, we will not feel that we are pushing the limits in unacceptable ways, let alone crossing the boundaries (De Cremer, 2013, p.66). With this statement, it is clear that we only the positives of the pending result when pushing limits. When a lie has justification behind it, the feeling of being unethical is created in the situation. Research shows that the survival strategy to justify unethical actions is particularly activated when people suffer from loss of sleep, feeling depleted, and when potential losses of one’s wealth are salient (De Cremer, 2013, p. 66). This being said, if the task isn’t completed on time the risk

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