
Assignment On Rohingya

Decent Essays

Assignment on Rohingya

Submitted by
Samanta Islam

Submitted to
Mr.Ahmed Sharif

Assignment submission date-22.11.17 Presentation date-11.12.17

Who are the Rohingya and where are they from?

Rohingya have often been called the most persecuted minority in the world. The 1.1 million Rohingya Muslims squeezed precariously into the north-west state of Rakhine, in mainly Buddhist Burma, bordering majority Muslim Bangladesh, are stateless and unwanted.
Neither country will give them citizenship even though their families’ roots in modern-day Rakhine, once called Arakan, can be traced back to the Eighth Century.

How are they being persecuted?
Some 420,000 Rohingya Muslims, a religious and ethnic minority community in Myanmar, have fled to neighboring Bangladesh since August this year.
The United Nations has called the Rohingya the world’s most persecutedminority group whereby one group removes another ethnic or religious community through violence.
But the persecution of the Rohingya is not new. My research on the Rohingya Muslim experience in Myanmar shows that this pattern of persecution goes back to 1948 – the year when the country achieved independence from their British colonizers.

How many have they fled?
The latest evidence came Thursday, when the United Nations reported that some 500,000 Rohingya ethnic Muslims had fled Myanmar’s Rakhine state since August 25. They’re trying to escape a campaign of indiscriminate violence at

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