
Assisted Suicide Should Not Be A Killer

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No, terminal illness should not be a killer. For starters, a terminal illness is an illness from which the patient is not expected to recover even with treatment, as the illness continues, the result is death. In 6 of the 50 United States of America, they have an option for a terminally-ill patient, it is called assisted suicide. Assisted suicide occurs when one person gives another person the instructions, means, or capability to bring about their own demise (Smith 623). Some say our pets are treated more humanely than our own people because if an animal is hurt and they cannot be fixed, the result is to put it out of its misery. I believe that humans should have this right in all 50 states as well. Everyone should have the right to choose how they want to die.
When talking about assisted suicide, a name that comes up often as an advocate for it is Dr. Jack Kevorkian. Dr. Kevorkian was one of the biggest advocates for assisted suicide, he was so much for it that he even went to jail for an 8-year sentence because of his beliefs. In November of 1998, Dr. Kevorkian helped a man with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis commit suicide and he videoed the act and sent it to a popular national television show (Stafford 43). Prior to this suicide, Kevorkian had been tried three others times, but was acquitted by the jury. Because of the lethal injection and the act being videoed, Dr. Kevorkian was charged with second-degree murder and sentenced to jail for ten to twenty-five years.

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