Every Mac comes with standard assistive technology features that help people with a wide range of disabilities. Assistive technologies for Mac comes in the OS X. If you are blind or have low vision problems there is already a variety of assistive technologies built in OS X such as screen reader, screen and cursor magnification, and dictation. Voice over is the screen reader that comes standard with every Mac. It includes text-to-speech and it tells you exactly what is going on with your computer as well as what’s going on with the apps. Text-to-speech is compatible with using physical gestures, a keyboard, or a braille display. Furthermore, Text-to-Speech comes with Alex as the voice of Mac. Alex who speaks in a natural tone and comes with over 30 built in languages. The Zoom feature in Mac is basically a built-in magnifier that allows you to magnify the screen up to 20 times. The Zoom feature allows you to keep whatever you’re looking at, at its original size and it will open the zoomed area in another window. The dictation feature lets you talk where you would type, so you basically use your voice as the keyboard. Dictation also converts words into text and it has more than 50 editing and formatting commands. Contrast options and cursor size are also features …show more content…
Narrator which reads aloud text on the screen and describes what is happening in the computer for example if an error is detected. It also includes On-screen keyboard that can be resized and customized to make it easier to see and use. Furthermore, the personalization feature allows you to change the computer's colors, sounds, desktop background, screensaver, font size, and user account picture. You can also make the text on the screen larger or smaller and adjust the size of the icons. Speech recognition allows you to use your voice as the
I will find out if patient is responsive first. If responsive, I will ask the following questions:
People using Assistive technology may experience many obstacles and limitations in their daily life. Disabled people run a higher risk of injury by using this technology incorrectly. They also have a harder time with accepting that the phone, or any other technology should be on them at all times. On the study of Mcmillen and Soderberg one of the participant said “If I lose my speech, how will I then be able to communicate? And if I lose the function of my hands as well—is there any way to communicate then?” They worry that their illness might progress and worry for the future needs regarding assistive devices. This woman is worried about if she losses her speech, is there going to be any device for her to communicate. Many disabled people
The skilled nursing facility is a facility that has a medical professional (usually an RN) on duty at all times of the day. The patients that are here are usually faced with a serious illness or major physical needs. The objective is to rehabilitate people to return to either their regular living or to an assisted living, however, some patients may never be able to be rehabilitated due to their medical conditions.
When adult children know that an elderly parent should move to assisted living, it can be an emotionally stressful time while struggling to convince this person to do so. If you're dealing with this situation, consider some strategies that may help encourage your parent to accept this step instead of battling against it.
The Topic of my research paper is How to Start Your Own Assisted Living Business. I choose this topic because I have some experience in the health care field. I am a certified Medical Assistant and I wanted to take my education to the next level. The Health care job market is on high demand and is one of today’s most dynamic fields with a wide range of opportunities. I came to realize that the older you get in this country options for housing, health and personal care services become limited.
Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative has many categories for assistive technology. There is a total of 14 categories for assistive technology. These technologies are to help all types of disabilities for all people. There are assistive devices for seating and positioning such as custom wedges, bolsters, and cushions for chairs. Wheelchairs, walkers, and grab bars are examples of assistive technology under the category of mobility. Picture exchange communication systems would work under the communication category. Voice output devices would also work for communication. For computer access anything from an alternate keyboard to arm support can be used to help someone use a computer. Voice recognition software can also help with computer
While the individuals with mild intellectual disability have limitations in many adaptive behaviors, these limitations co-exist alongside strengths in other areas within the individual. Literature has proved that assistive technology including audio-visual devices can be used to help these individuals complete some tasks independently and also help them in domains such as home living, social living, employment, health and safety, education, and second language skills (De Joode, van Heugten, Verhey, and van Boxtel, 2010).
Strangely enough, I was very anxious to use a wheelchair for twelve hours straight. I was curious to what it would actually be like. To my surprise, I was in the wheelchair for about 5 minutes and I absolutely hated it! I was suddenly slowed down to a snail’s pace and I was limited to a lonely path that very few other students were on. It was lonely in the elevator, no one there to talk to. It was quiet in the hallway with no other students around anymore as they all hightailed it outta here right when class was finished.
I have always thought that having the attitude and personal support system to get through school are always the easiest to comply to. If you think of attending college you have to know whether you'll have the correct attitude towards, either it be the professor or the students, or even the environment of the school you will be attending, most of all your own education, of course. Starting college seems easy, but you need a lot of motivation to push yourself , because you are most likely put yourself down a bit if you see you aren't doing as best as you imagined, and it honestly gets hard but thats just part of getting by, continue to push yourself even if you do bad on an assignment or a test, remind yourself that you want this, you want a good career. Having a personal support system is always a good way to get motivated in having a good attitude, what's not better than having your parents or siblings care about your education and helping you every step of the way until you complete your goal? It's a wonderful feeling.
While the disabled people are usually isolated from the normal environment, an assistive environment can foster the participation and inclusion of disabled individuals in social, economic, political and cultural life (World Health Organization (WHO), 2011). The SH initializes such an environment by providing assistance in accessing resources, transport, information system and communication system for disabled people. SHs with such assistive automations makes it easy for people with physical or mental impairments to perform activities of day to day life. This also significantly increases their self-confidence.
The use of technology in educating children with special needs has widely grown in the past few decades. Individuals with special needs are unique and all have different areas in which they need assistance. Due to the advancements in assistive technology, computer programs, software, and other technology tools, it has become much easier for people to find useful and easier ways to become educated. Because of this, “technology has changed the way people with disabilities live, work, and learn.” (Winzer,98)
Speech Disabilities: It does not matter at all whether or not a web user can speak simply because the computer input is conducted with a mouse and a keyboard. It is likely that various sorts of voice-activated Laser interfaces will become more famous in one's future to support users who would rather speak commands rather as compared to type them. In the end, these users can still utilize the primary interaction methods over the
Staffing is an important part of management and leadership. Anyone in the work force can appreciate and understand the importance of adequate staffing and scheduling. This is needed in order to meet daily unit needs and organizational goals. It is ultimately the managers’ responsibility to make sure that there is adequate staffing at all times. Whether it is centralized staffing, a central office making the schedule, or decentralized staffing, unit managers making the schedule, differs between institutions. Managers must keep in mind staffing mandates. “Many states in the United States, with the backing of professional nursing organizations, have moved toward imposing mandatory licensed staffing requirements, and one state (California) has enacted legislation requiring mandatory staffing ratios” (Marquis & Huston, 2012). Currently in New York, there are no mandatory staffing ratios.
What surprised you in this week’s reading and why? (This can be related to the textbook or any articles posted by your instructor)
Individuals with sight problems can adjust color and brightness to assist them in viewing programs. Children with hearing problems can adjust volume controls and replace noise commands with visual commands. For example, if a child clicks on a program that is unable to open, they can program the computer to respond with a verbal message informing them of the inaccessible program, as opposed to the usual noise response. “Laptop computers can provide high-tech tools for note taking because of their mobility”(Barfield, 2003, p. 1). Customized computers also offer many different options for individuals depending on their needs. Touch screens, and touch pads enable an individual to use a computer by simply touching a screen or pad with his/her finger. “This often allows students who have fine motor problems, inaccurate keyboard skills, or problems with spelling to complete programs without frustration (Olson, 2000, p. 344). Voice activated computers allow students to use a microphone to enter information into the computer. Positions of buttons and switches can also be changed to accommodate an individuals certain needs. Other parts of the computer can also be altered to aid an individual with special needs. For example, individuals with limited motor control often use a key guard. “A keyguard is a keyboard overlay with holes positioned over each key. This assists in stabilization of finger, hand, or stick movement (Ray, 1995, p.