
At the Bargaining Table

Decent Essays

Running head: At the Bargaining Table At the Bargaining Tablet Professor Moody Marion Beaufort III November 14, 2012 At the Bargaining Tables Ernest Montague, self-made entrepreneur, “the owner and general manager” of a local manufacturing business “North Valley Muffler Company” located in New Mexico. North Valley Muffler Company supplies a variety of mufflers to the east and west coast part businesses. This small company employs over 100 workers. Over sixty percent of the workers belong to the local chapter of the United Steelworkers Union. This personal interview started by asking the sequence of questions… Why does a first impression matter? At the bargaining table, when someone is “obstinate” it becomes a nightmare. …show more content…

How do you avoid impasse? Impasse starts at the point where progress toward an agreement stalemate because neither side is making movement on unresolved issues. During the negotiation process, people commonly permit frustration to set in about what is occurring. At such times, it is important to set aside the issue for the moment, adjust the impasse by shifting to other concerns or break the problem into more manageable elements. Also, be flexible, explore alternative approaches, make new proposals on controversial concerns, and take the necessary time to understand the proposals that each side have made (E. Montague, personal communication, October 26, 2012). How do you break a deadlock at the table? Ask for advice to neutralize potentially defensive opponents. Asking for advice rather than issuing demands or attacks are excellent ways of framing negotiations as a joint problem-solving task that institutes a team concept. During a dispute, when an individual ask an opponent for advice, they are likely to reach agreements that foster good relationships that avoids legal consequences (E. Montague, personal communication, October 26, 2012). What is entailed in drafting the proper contract language? The initial achievement in collective bargaining starts with proper contract composition. The bargaining team must consider past grievances and arbitration decisions, and problem areas that are often overlooked in negotiation language. The

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