
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder

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The noon bell rings at an elementary school in the United States. The children walk in a supervised line from their classrooms to the cafeteria. Their smiles and voices reflect their anticipation and excitement after a long morning of learning. Once inside the cafeteria, they find their friends, sit down, and examine their lunches. I hear laughter and the typical lunch trading by those who didn't get what they expected in their brown bags. In the school office, a short distance from the cafeteria, a large group of children somberly wait in line for their medication. The school secretary is dispensing Ritalin. I'm told this medication will help them manage their attention behavior until they go home. Today there is a great argument regarding the diagnosis and treatment of ADD/ADHD and who has the right to decide what happens. ADHD, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is the most common neurobehavioral disorder in young children. This is also one of the most common public health problems that we have today. There is an extreme rise of the prescription medicine Ritalin that doctors are prescribing to help with this specific type of disorder. Many adults believe that this medication is a "quick fix" that is not harmful to their children. When Ritalin is prescribed, it is to be introduced to the body in slow, steady doses, which simulates the brain's natural dopamine production. Parents of children that are diagnosed or have symptoms of ADHD may be unaware of recent

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