
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder ( Adhd )

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“ADHD is a neurological difference that affects learning and language, and every aspect of life” (Hardman). It has been argued that ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder) is not a real disease, but it has been confirmed by neurological testing that ADHD is a real disease. It has been found that ADHD symptoms are caused by a child having less brain activity in their frontal lobes; this part of the brain controls the impulse control which will make it harder for the child to sit still. There are three symptoms of ADHD: inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Not every case has all three symptoms; some can have just one of the three. The most common type of ADHD is a combination of all three symptoms. Children with the first symptom, inattention, may have the following behaviors: have a hard time paying attention, be easily distracted from work or play, not follow through on instructions or finish tasks, and forget things. Children with the second symptom, hyperactivity, may exhibit the following behaviors: cannot stay seated, squirms and fidgets, talks too much, and cannot play quietly. Children with the third symptom, impulsivity, may show the following behaviors: acts and speaks without thinking, has trouble taking turns, cannot wait for things, and interrupts others. “It has been found that there is a difference in the brain of someone with ADHD and the brain of someone without ADHD” (Pagan). ADHD can look different in every child. For one child it can look like

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