
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder ( Adhd )

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Introduction Attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD), is a neurobehavioral disorder of the brain. Textbooks typically depict an individual with ADHD as one who is inattentive, highly distractible, unable to contain stimuli, disorganized and exhibits excessive motor activity (Townsend & Morgan, 2017, p. 636). It is easy to define a person by their impulsivity; however, it is difficult to try and understand the reasons behind the behavioral patterns that come along with this disorder. Blake Taylor, in his book, ADHD & Me, offers a thoughtful insight into the life of an individual diagnosed with ADHD. Topics he covers are: being distracted, impulsive, disorganized, hyperactive, unpopular, bullied, isolated, misunderstood, blamed, rigid, …show more content…

Having a brain that is continuously on and working at high speed is one of the strenuous effects of ADHD. Some may demonstrate this symptom by speaking so quickly it is hard to keep up, or by pacing across a room (for some, movement benefits the thinking process due to the use of the excess energy). Racing thoughts leads to a chronic state of mental fatigue, which can result in a physical tiredness resulting from a decrease in motivation and energy. The combination of exhaustion and altered thought process leads one to believe that they are less than and incapable of achieving maximum potential. Often, the tiredness begins to effect elements of the individual’s life and leads to misunderstanding (for example Taylor’s low quality work and the inability to follow directions was misattributed to being lazy or not caring), which is why misinterpretation is one of the fundamental aspects that contributes to problematic behavioral issues. Literature may touch on the effects or results of ADHD, but it often lacks the personalized cause that leads to certain behaviors. By sharing stories about what it is like to actually live with ADHD, it helps give insight into why one may have behavioral problems are poor social skills and it ultimately adds a humane element to the black and white symptoms of ADHD. Evidence-Based Treatments and Treatments

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