
Audio Engineering Program

Decent Essays

What is your personal interest in the Audio Engineering Program? I've had a passion for music ever since I could remember. My dad driving me to Elementary school while blasting the nineties rap from (2pac, N.W.A, The Notorious B.I.G, Dr. Dre and etc.) Along the way I transitioned into different genres from Hard Rock to Techno and now forms of electronic dance music. When I put on my headphones, I don’t just listen to the music, I hear it. Hearing the various sounds through the songs. Hi hats, bass drums, snare drums, plus the different instruments. With electronic music I love hearing the different waves (sawtooth, sine, square, triangle) and how each one creates a unique design in the song. The main reason the program interests me is that, I want …show more content…

Everybody asks me what college I’m attending and when I say the falls; all of them say it's an incredible school and I earned my degree there. When I mention the Audio Engineering Course, there is nothing but positive comments.
What experience do you possess in music and/or Audio Engineering
Since eighth grade I used Reason from Propellerhead Software. I had learned something new every day I open that program up. I love operating on the Synthesizers (Mainly Malstrom) and developing my own sound. I recently have been using Ableton and trying out FL Studio. I like using Ableton for its interface, audio clip drop ins, and mastery tools. Fl Studio I plan on using less since the interface is overly complicated.
I don’t have too much experience, but I love learning. When I wanna learn to create a superior bass drum, or how to EQ low sine wave sub bass; I go hands on first and see what I can create and do. At the point I need more help, I would review pages from Tim Dittman’s “Audio Engineering 101” or even YouTube.
I've even created some small tracks from goofing off or when I learned

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