
I Listen To Music Tupac Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

The music I listen to is rap mostly tupac. I started listening to him in 2015 I have a while and I never get bored of him. Another rapper I listen to is YG. I also never get bored of his songs. I listen to them everyday even when I am working. If I am home I put pandora on the tv and just put full volume and I just sit back and relax. Music makes me want to do things and relax. It doesn´t take my mind off of anything I still listen to the teachers. I understand what they say and respect them. Music has been around for a very long time and rap it has changed a lot. Tupac talks about life his life, reality. When he was at a studio doing a song people asked him, Pac what do you think or how do you think future rappers are gonna be and he told

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