The Auraria Library offers many helpful resources for students and faculties. Auraria Library offers research help, study spaces, technology, and other services. Students also use the library to print, scan, and copy. The staffs at the library are there to assist students and faculties with any library related questions.The Auraria Library also provides course reserves, where students can access required reading materials. Books, articles and other materials can be accessed in person or online. The Auraria Library is a great place to start when looking for reliable sources. I used the Auraria Library when doing a research paper. I continually find reliable and helpful articles about my topic. The first time I used the library was for my English
The SAN policy controls whether a newly discovered disk is brought online or stays offline, and whether it turns out to be read/write or if it remains read-only.
Apera Tobiason is a thirty-four-year-old single mother of four daughters. On top of living with her four daughters, she also has four Chihuahuas. She works as a coach for soccer at The Enid Soccer Club and basketball at The YMCA. Though free time is rare for her, when she has the opportunity, Apera likes to visit casinos with her friends.
Besides being entranced with the golden dome, “touchdown Jesus” also found a place in my heart. The Hesburgh Library is one of the most beautiful buildings on campus. It is appropriately named as well. Fr. Hesburgh was an influential leader on campus and throughout the world; he was an advocate for peace rather than violence. Under his tenure, the first female class was admitted into the university, and after serving as president, he was able to witness the first African-American valedictorian. I am sure a dream of Fr. Hesburgh was fulfilled on that spring day. Even after the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed, he continued to fight for equality in housing, employment, and higher education for minorities. Hesburgh’s attitude toward equality
A mysterious and strange malady arrives in the small American town of Abida which can be found on an island off the coast of the New England region. The island is somewhat isolated, most political matters are handled locally between it's people, this is due to the islands history. The people of Abida are the final result of successful human amalgamation between slave and owner with many of which who still holds on to their eccentric ancestral beliefs that revolve around "the old ways". This causes many to rarely visit or leave the island and as a consequence Abida is flung into a realm of enigma lying beyond the fringes of the New Englander's conscience. Without the aid of the mainland however, the disease, which is referred to locally as "scourge" takes large sections of
This proposal is to help bring to life the Semester on the Appalachain, a semester long expedition on the Appalachian Trail for a group of ten participants, in order to provide an environment that can not be replicated in a typical classroom setting. In the proposal, it will provide research on the benefits of experiential and expedition education, improvement on psychological health, and organizations that run similar programs.
Madera High is an ordinary high school in a fairly small town of about 60,000 people. Although the usual picture of bullying portrayed in the media does not occur here, there are still other forms of bullying and harassment that happen often. Cyberbullying has become the new form of harassment that teens use to bully other students. Social media is now the platform bullies prefer to use rather than the physical confrontation that bullying used to be. Through recent years, it has become an epidemic that has taken over the internet and social networks. It has made it even harder for students to get away from the bully or the person harassing them. At Madera High the amount of bullying seen at school by other students and staff is fairly low,
The library portal is the first website which I went through to get my sources. The databases I used were LexisNexis and Abscohost. The reasons
With 35 years of experience, Pastry Chef Nathan Strausser is leading one of Shreveport’s best kept secret-Eldorado Resort Casino’s bakery.
This social issue has been in the spotlight for quite some time now and is the leading cause for students to miss school, become less social, cause self harm and even in some cases death. Bullying and harassment are commonly seen for the most part amongst teenagers who face issues at school, not only does this happen here in the United States, but in schools universally. ¨17% of American students report being bullied 2 to 3 times a month or more within a school semester¨ (Valerie). Although this is mostly seen among teens it can also happen between children and even adults. Bullying can occur everyday throughout Madera High School and no one would be able to acknowledge or stand up for the victim. Vice Principals at MHS have said that more
In today’s society, a good quality education is an important and valuable necessity. As a college student at Lone Star College, my college experience has greatly influenced me in an enormous amount of ways. By attending college, I have not only had a chance to receive a quality education and degree, but also an opportunity to socialize and interact with various people from different cultures. In addition, the professors on campus have been extremely helpful towards teaching me to succeed in both inside and outside the class room. Furthermore, my college experience at Lone Star has greatly influenced and encouraged me to be successful and achieve my dream of becoming a doctor.
My first step to research was to search various search engines to find scholarly journals or other types of secondary sources that were credible and available
The first paper is due by Monday, April 9, 11:59 p.m. You MAY use sources outside of the Liberty Search Engine (and are encouraged to do so). Also you may use scholarly books and not just journal articles. You should avoid using generic websites that do not appear scholarly in nature. A good rule of thumb is that if a website does not have an author, it is not a good source. Good online material has also usually been published in print at some point. Google Scholar and JSTOR are great places to search, as well as the online encyclopedias I've shown you. Always feel free to send me an email if you have questions about sources or formatting.
Liger is a lion and tiger in one breed, it is a very rare breed to have. Most of the ligers in the world are kept in captivity. Tsar is a liger cub, born from an extremely rare loin paring. He is to fragile to keep in a cage so we keep him inside and sometimes he even sleeps in a bed. Said zoo keeper Erik Airoetyan. Tsar was born on November 11 while the Russian zoo was on tour. He has an orange brown fur, but instead is covered in black stripes. Tsar drinks a liter or two of goats milk a day to build up his bone structure. When tsar’s mom gave birth he was the only one to live out of three ligers. Ligers are weaker than a cub or regular tiger. Male ligers cannot reproduce that's why it there are very few ligers in the world. Tsar is treated
I have used scholarly journals and articles from credible authors, writers, and speakers. All of my sources are beneficial to this topic.
According to The Sheridan Libraries an appropriate source for scholarly research would have information such as “authorship, publishing body, point of view, referral to