
Austin Fisher The Three Sides To My Coming Out Analysis

Decent Essays

Coming Out Assignment Published by the Huffington Post, 20 year old Austin Fisher voices his process of coming out in his article entitled “The 3 Sides to my Coming Out Story”. I choose to analyze and reflect on this text for I believe it displays various situations and perceptions in response to one coming out. The author starts by explaining how he came to terms with himself. When Fisher was younger he idolized his brother’s bravery for announcing his homosexuality to the world. This planted a seed in Fisher’s mind that would not seem to stop growing. Though deep down he knew he was gay, he was not ready to admit it to himself or the outside world. Instead, Fisher suppressed his “gay side” and reinvented himself. He got a girlfriend and views “coming out” as overrated, for Fisher views it as unfair and unjust that because of his inherently “wrong” sexualtity he has to go through an emotional process of explaining who he is attracted to the people he loves. …show more content…

His parents were less than accepting, for they viewed it as a choice that they should have been consulted on. Though, eventually they did research on the matter and came to terms with their son’s sexuality. Fisher’s peers seemed to have no opinion on the matter. Although he never publicly announced his sexuality to his class, he told some friends and word got around and he was not treated differently. While reading this I could not help but wonder if this was because he was in a relationship with a girl, for hetrosexual relationships are viewed as society’s “norm”. Would his peers have been less receptive of his sexual preferences if he was in a same gender

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