
Authoritative Parenting Style

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Introduction Punishment and Parenting play key roles into ways a child develops into an upcoming adult. In many cases they go hand in hand. For example corporal punishment can be included in two out of the four parenting styles which are authoritarian and authoritative. But what this paper focuses on are the effects of inadequate punishments and their correlation with a certain parenting styles that many mistake as reasonable and justifiable but are really unethical ways of trying to reinforce a goal behavior and may have terrible long term outcomes on the child.
Parenting style structuring youth into adults There are many contributing factors to ways in which a child is structured into an adult, usually they have to do with the way the …show more content…

The consequence can be the introduction of an aversive stimulus (i.e., positive punishment) such as electric shock, loud noise, a reprimand, etc., or the removal of a reinforcing stimulus (i.e., negative punishment) such as food, money, or access to the social environment,” (DiGennaro 2008). Punishments are involved in both Authoritarian and Authoritative parenting style. Although the Authoritative parenting style is more hesitant to reinforce punishment and rather talk out the situation with their child it still plays a role in the child’s upbringing as an adult (Ribeiro …show more content…

2011) Corporal punishment exhibited by parents onto children has been a topic in psychology for many decades. It has been reported that approximately 94% of American parents are spanking their children by the time they are 3 or 4 years old (Gershoff 2001). Whether or not this method has been effective has caused many uprising with opinion papers in the field of psychology. “The ongoing debate to whether the benefits of corporal punishment might outweigh any potential hazards; some have concluded that corporal punishment is both effective and desirable, whereas others have concluded that corporal punishment is ineffective at best and harmful at worst,” (Gershoff 2001). As stated before certain parenting styles enforce punishment onto their children if there is requirement not met or the child obedience falters though these children usually don’t turn out to be in the best emotional state as an adult (Ribeiro 2009). “Previous researches pointed out those adults (parents and teachers), who were physically punished in their childhood, are more supportive of corporal punishment than those who were not subjected to physical punishment” (Naz et al. 2011). This explains reasons in why punishment continues throughout a family’s generation, because as a child when corporal punishment or just punishments in

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