
Autism Case Study Psychology

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One in every forty-five children in the United States battle day-to-day with the grueling traits of having autism spectrum disorders (Autism Speaks 2015). Autism is an extremely broad behavioral disorder that affects a person’s social and communication skills. Each person who has autism battles with different aspects. Each case of autism is contrasting, and that person needs specialized help to make it possible for them to excel in life. Although Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) cause a daily struggle, it is immensely possible for a person with autism to live an ordinary life. My first cousin Dawson has struggled with autism since he was three years old. However, he was not correctly diagnosed with autism until he was seven years of age. He …show more content…

He would do whatever he could to escape the loud noise. His family had to quit going to church, and they had to stop going out in public because he would go crazy if anyone talked to him. Dawson would walk out of class if it began to get noisy, and his mother was continually having to pick him up from school. He began to have horrible anxiety issues which led to three lockdowns at school because he would try to leave. Dawson has a calming method called “stimming.” Stimming is a method that an autistic person uses to calm themselves down by physical movement. Dawson’s method is always pacing and skipping. When he gets nervous or is concentrating really hard, he paces. When Dawson is happy, he skips. He has gone through an excess amount of occupational therapy that has helped him control his pacing while at school. In order to make sure Dawson stays as calm as possible at school, he has an individual education plan (IEP). In Dawson’s personal IEP, behavioral accommodations are included that must be met to keep him calm and productive. This list allows him to do specific things not normally allowed by the teachers. In class, he has a designated area in the back of the

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