
Avoid Activities In Occupational Therapy

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and avoid all unnecessary bending, reaching, and stretching” (Lou & Tischenkel, 2009).

The occupational therapist will make suggestion in particular areas of the home such as

lowering the everyday kitchen dishes and cups to a lower shelf, the medicine in the

medicine cabinet to a lower shelf and the clothes on the closet shelf to a lower area like

the floor or placed on the dresser. The participants will also identify activities that they

experience reaching and find alternatives with the other participants and the therapist guidance.

The participants will also examine their daily schedules and identify the activities that typically require them to be exposed outdoor when the weather is warm. It is recommended to “Avoid activities that involve exposure to warm weather by performing activities during cooler times” (Lou & Tischenkel, 2009, p. 1). The occupational therapist will guide the participants individually to reorganize their schedule to possible do shopping and outdoor leisure activities in the early morning or later evening when the temperature may be cooler. …show more content…

When an individual sits they are able to save twenty-five percent of their energy (Lou & Tischenkel, 2009). The participants will examine together and with the therapist assistance, activities can be done sitting with each other and the occupational therapist. The occupational therapist can help them also determine other tasks that are not typically done sitting. An example is folding laundry, doing dishes and bathing (Lou & Tischenkel, 2009). Having the individual break up tasks into smaller tasks can make them manageable (Canadian Association of Occupational Therapy,

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