
BGSU Leadership Goals

Decent Essays

Admittedly, I had no knowledge of what PLA was or the organization's values prior to applying to BGSU. While researching service organizations within the school, PLA immediately stood as the quintessential organization to be a member of based on its core values: integrity, service, credibility, and learning. With these values in mind, leadership skills are learned and then taught to continue the cycle of using service in the community as a vehicle for leadership. Participation in community service projects and student organizations shows dedication to a common goal; leaving a positive impact demonstrates the leadership skills being acquired. Communication skills are cultivated to make exploring personal values and ethical dilemmas with others more eye-opening, …show more content…

I would like to expose myself to new and unique learning opportunities that allow me to grow as a student. My goal is to excel in my schoolwork so I may be able to contribute to class discussions and working with my peers. Learning from others is just as important as leading, and I intend to strive to do both in the classes and organizations I am involved in. More importantly, exposing myself to opportunities to serve and volunteer on campus would would allow me to grow as a person. I feel that stepping out of my comfort zone in a variety of situations will help me succeed as a student and position me as a leader to my peers. There have been many challenges I have overcome, but also many I have not faced that would help me to be a more understanding person. By becoming more empathetic and understanding of situations others face, I will be able to more effectively lead and increase my credibility in my field. Having these experiences will make me a more well rounded person, and I hope to reap the benefits from serving, leading, and academically excelling to further my future

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