
Babel Level 3 Unit

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The third unit focuses on films and contemporary children’s culture. An aspect explored in this unit is the production of films. Both Clarke and Tierney discuss the impact camera work can have on films. Clarke describes how from the beginning of Incendies the camera’s movement and angles allow the audience to further understand the importance of the scene unfolding (ol). As the camera zooms in and out, the audience is made aware of specific moments of the film. Tierney explains that in the film Babel, different types of lenses were used to produce grainy images, thus making Morocco feel dirty because of the events that occur there (112). These details albeit somewhat minor assist in brining the story alive. A major theme this unit explores is the impact of films on an …show more content…

Manning and Shackford-Bradley explain that films present multiple perspectives, specifically subjective experiences (38). As each person, is able to take out something different from the film.While Marks talks about films as skin and explains the effect works can have among different audiences (xi). Thus meaning, films have the ability to leave audiences with different marks. Symbolism is also discussed in this unit. It is found in chapter two of Dillabough and Kennelly, Incendies,chapter five of Alanen,Brooker, and Mayall, and in the food as weapon podcast. Chapter two of D and K discusses symbols as expressions of double meaning, in which primary meaning refers beyond itself to a second meaning which is never given directly (63). This relates to the symbolism found in Incendies specifically the three dots. When the three dots were first shown they did not have meaning to the audience, however as the film progressed the audience was able to figure out their importance in the film. Chapter five of A,B, and M discuss Bourdieu’s term symbolic violence

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